What I Do
About Jessica Hartley
Marriage Coach & Relationships Expert
Jessica has helped individuals and couples all over the world SAVE their marriage from divorce and learn to THRIVE in deep connection & strong lasting love.
She is a leader of her generation, REVOLUTIONIZING how we heal our marriages and turn them around for good.

81 +
Relationships Saved
14 +
Years of Experience
2000 +
Session Hours
Unique Programs and Retreats
FM Radio Show
The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step...
As a child, I did not have the best model of love to follow. My father was alcoholic and abusive. My parents divorced and I watched my mother struggle to find love, her second divorce leaving her heartbroken. As I grew up, I learned to protect myself from possible pain, I had a low self worth, and I lived in fear. I did not believe or trust in real genuine love. But I was a romantic at heart. I had a vision for what I wanted in my own marriage, and my deepest fear was that I would end up with an unhappy, unhealthy, disconnected marriage, like the ones I knew all too well.
One summer at 17 years old, I fell deeply in love with my best friend, the man I eventually married. At first, I had a big conflict between what my heart wanted and what my brain was ready to protect me from, could I trust love? Despite my vision, our relationship struggled, but I didn’t want to give up.
No matter how hard I tried, things still weren’t working. The old patterns just keep showing up and they were getting worse. I was determined to get to the root of to my automatic thought patterns that clearly were not serving me and I needed a mentor.
I was determined to crack the code.
Fueled by my heart, I dedicated my life, my education and research to the study of love, relationships and the human psyche.
I wanted to know, what is it EXACTLY, that makes a relationship successful? What makes people genuinely happy and fulfilled in life, love and marriage? Why do so many people suffer so much pain in relationship, while others find a way to thrive, often despite the most challenging circumstances?
And my biggest question was
Why do so many relationships seem to start off with so much love and romance but end in resentment, heartbreak, divorce and breaking up the family they created together?
Along the way, I picked up a Masters degree in Spiritual Psychology, and applied all that I was learning into my own relationship. I healed the deep wounds of my past and started showing up as a completely different person inside of my own relationship. My energy began to shift my husbands energy and our relationship began to thrive.

What I learned taught me how to survive the trials of adolescent love, and continued to exceed my expectations. Once I had the right tools, my marriage was no longer hard… it was easy, fun and deeply connecting. It reached beyond what I ever thought was possible.
When I looked out into the world and saw such high divorce rates, I was heartbroken. I knew what these people were suffering through, and I knew how to get them out of it. I was compelled to help. With my coaching degree, research and experience in hand, I began teaching this model to anyone, who was determined, like me, to create the strong thriving relationship that they were meant to have.
Soon after, I realized that teaching these concepts was not enough, I had to offer a way for my clients to integrating these concepts as the new norm. I took a step back and I was shocked to realize that there is currently NO structure to support re-wiring the brain towards positive lasting change in relationships. The conventional approach to marriage and relationship help was failing to meet the needs of these hopeful relationships. Not only is conventional talk therapy outdated and takes way too long, it does not provide any structure to re-wire the old programing in our brain with new insights and actions.
I was put to the test. I knew in my gut that if I truly wanted to influence lasting change and make a radical difference for love and marriage, I had to create something new. I had to innovate. I was deeply called to teach and serve this radical love to suffering relationships. And to do that, I had to create a platform that delivers real results and positive lasting change- and then deliver these results as efficiently as possible. So I took a year off from coaching my clients and hit the research table AGAIN. I studied brain development, skill acquisition, and the subconscious mind. I wanted to figure out, what it takes to re-wire our automatic negative thoughts, and reactions? How do we learn a new skill as efficiently as possible? And what does it take to ensure that it sticks?
I set out to innovate a program that would stand alone, and began to devote myself to daily and relentless progress, giving this project nothing less than my very best. If my program was going to provide this level of depth and personal transformation, I wanted it to be the very best of what my clients need so they can finally embrace a life of deep connection, complete devotion and real Legendary Love.
The Legendary Love Program is a direct result of this application, research and study, tested and compiled into the essential elements, tools AND the cognitive structure to re-wire a relationship from depth of pain into deep lasting love. Along the way, I realized that this process is so strong, it can work with only 1 partner on board, which came in handy since half of my clients were already facing the brink of divorce.
What I bring to the table is my own personal experience.
What I offer is beyond words and theories,
it is a powerful reality-changing experience.
I have been where you are and I have found the way out. Iv’e spent years of investment, research, personal development and formal education. I am a living testament to its worth. This program is so powerful that it can save your relationship once and for all. But it is not for everyone. I start with a simple conversation to asses if your relationship is a fit for this program. 95% of the time we throw in the towel too early, just to repeat the same painful patterns in the next relationship.
What if you simply changed the foundations of THIS relationship?

which brings me to you...
Marriage is only hard, when you don’t have the essential foundations in place.
There are many couples that have been struggling. For every 10 people that get married today, 4- 5 end in divorce while 3 of 10 of them feel trapped but stay married surviving the unhappiness. New research shows that our quality of life happiness is directly related to the quality of our relationship and “high conflict marriages turn out to be very bad for immune function, life expectancy and brain function, perhaps worse than getting divorced.”
I often work with couples that did not have an ideal model of love to follow.
Most couples give up on their marriage all too soon because they just did not have the right tools, right support or the right core foundation of love to base their relationship on. Without which, they are exhausting themselves by searching in the dark, and coming back to the same old patterns over and again. They must be able to heal the road blocks of past conditioning before they can embrace a completely different model of love that works. And that is where The Legendary Love Program comes in. I am a bold game changer, here to serve, uplift and transform the norms. I am motivated by altruism, self mastery and an enthusiasm for spreading the experience of a full, thriving, heart-centered Legendary Love life… which is unfortunately, a reality untouched by the masses. About half of my clients are couples and the other half work with me as the individual who’s partner has already given up. The program has been tested and proven to work powerfully and effectively to save the relationship in both scenarios.
You can spend the rest of your life growing more deeply in love with your best friend.
With so many ready for change, I am not interested in becoming your crutch or dragging this process out. This program does not drone on like years of therapy making small temporary changes along the way. It is as bold as I am, it gets right to the root, giving you multiple breakthroughs each week. It doesn’t leave you hanging, because it provides you with the guidance, support and feedback you need, when you need it. The cognitive structure is designed to easily carry you through, into changes that last.
And let’s be honest, the very worst that can happen is that you will still divorce… BUT after going through the program it will be on good terms, having done your part, healed your greatest wounds, grounded in your strength, with confidence, the ability to transcend conflict and communicate effectively.
This program is designed to empower you. You will feel more alive, authentic, more at peace, and more confident than you ever have before. You’ll become the model for your children and others around you. The ripple effect continues outward from there.
I have your back, let’s do this!
Success Stories

My relationship was on the rocks. I thought we were past the point of no return and then Jessica Hartley happened. Her program broke through our walls and returned us back to our hearts and that warm chest melting feeling. All of our drama fell away and what was left was a boy and a girl, hand in hand, traveling the road of life and holding each other up to the best that we can be. Jessica saved my relationship and showed me what true intimacy really is.
Tasha Hernandez
Forestry Supervisor
I completed Jessica’s Legendary Love Program 3 years ago and it was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I had lost myself with motherhood and marriage, and I came to Jessica when my marriage was about to fall apart. I had no idea how much my childhood wounds were affecting my relationship, nor how to deal with his. My Sessions with her were profoundly healing. I learned to take the reins of my own experience. Jessica helped us realize what unconditional love actually feels like. Her Program gave us the well-rounded healthy model of relationship neither of us ever had. It taught us how to self nurture, take emotional responsibility, have peaceful communication, hold space for each other and ignite our intimacy, I could say so much more… It was absolutely life changing for my own personal growth and is solely responsible for saving our marriage from divorce. Her dedication and passion to helping relationships thrive is so genuine, her heart is so big and I love that about her. I really couldn’t see myself doing this work with anyone else! She is amazing!
Zinnia Usry
Local Artist
Jessica Hartley has a warm loving presence. I was immediately drawn in and I felt connected to her. She is a talented teacher, a natural born leader and an inspiration. She has touched my heart and it is clear that she is meant to touch many lives.
Oren Harris
Motivational Speaker
Jessica Hartley is highly regarded as a powerful Marriage and Relationship Coach within the professional community. She has incredible perception into what's going on beneath the surface. I highly recommend working with this intelligent woman. Her program has set a new standard in the field of Marriage Transformation. Her structure, tools and personal coaching have proven to provide all of the necessary components that can keep families together and cultivate deeply fulfilling relationships for her clients.
Balbir Brar M.D
Jessica is a wonderfully profound and caring soundboard who takes her profession of elevating human relationships very seriously. She is a safe, loving, confident and wise counselor. She was able to meet me right where I was at, and give me useful tools to do my part in making my relationship better. What I have learned through her has been invaluable. Highly Recommended!
Cardon Ellis

We had a very bad separation. Neither one of us trusted the other one. I wasn’t sure if this program would work, but we still loved each other and wanted to make one last big effort to turn it all around. Jessica Hartley taught me to be the bigger person and ignite a powerful chain reaction. The actions I took in my relationship created the positive effects I needed to feel. She became more trusting, respectful, less reactionary, and more loving. The changes I felt in her made me want to be my very best & even more loving back towards her… on and on. We went from anger, separation, and mistrust into feeling completely cared for, respected, and loved by each other. Jessica is a strong coach- I loved her willingness to call bullshit! She pushed me further than I thought I would ever go in regard to personal introspection and my role in the relationship. When you begin this program, I urge you to be as honest as possible and TRUST Jess. She has your best interest in mind.
Joseph Bongiovi

Jessica's Program is worth its weight in Gold! Jessica and I worked one on one over the course of 6 months. I am so grateful to her for the powerful work that she has done in my life. She made me feel so safe and accepted so I could have the courage to face my truths and become a better person for my partner and my family. She really knows how to connect the human psyche to the human heart. She is the very best at what she does! If you need a miracle, trust your instincts... she is your gal!
Sarah Barette
Professional Dancer
This program is nothing short of magical! We were struggling for years and he had already given up on “us,” so I did this program on my own, without my husband being aware of it. As I moved through it step by step, I watched as my husband transformed and began to genuinely re-connect and rebuild our relationship with me. We healed things that haunted us for years. I feel his connection and deep caring for me like never before. We are in a whole new place, we have each others backs and now I am confident that we always will.
M. Peterson MD
The wisdom that Jessica Hartley's program offers is so much more progressive than the other advice out there. She helped me feel a connection with my husband that I had not felt in a very long time. The hardest step for me was in being willing to face and take responsibility for my own upsets, even though I could justify being upset with my husband. Jessica was able to pin point the specific place inside of me where I was holding myself back from my own happiness. She empowered me to be the best of who I am and has given me tools that have stayed with me for the past 3 years.
Samantha Davis
Jessica created lasting change. Thanks to Jessica, I am the person that I have always wanted to be. She offers guidance without judgment, and without making you feel like what you were doing before was wrong. She is an amazing individual to bring into your life. Her warmth, her heart and her words always stick with me. Jessica has uplifted my relationship and my life!
Nicole Handley
Animal Trainer
My relationship suffered the ultimate betrayal and we couldn't get past the pain and anger we both felt. It took some courage, but Jessica Hartley's approach was powerful and efficient. What made the most impact for me was her tool-centered approach. It was so much more useful than talk therapy. She listened to the specific issues we were facing, gave us specific feedback, specific tools and taught us how to use them ourselves. Her step by step structure carried us through this process in a way that felt natural and effortless. We've overcome so much pain. We no longer have aggressive and hurtful arguments. There is no more blame or manipulations. Our relationship is stronger than ever, and I feel free to love her with my whole heart.
Aaron Andrews
I was at a loss- somewhere along the way my wife changed. We had grown apart and the resentment was mutual. I couldn’t fix things on my own- without losing my self-respect. Jessica Hartley stepped in and saved our Marriage when all else failed. She understood the inner workings of men & women and gave me the direction I needed to be the bigger person and to take the lead in my relationship. I applied Jessica’s insight and got the exact results from my wife that Jessica predicted. I was empowered by having a strong woman’s perspective ON MY SIDE. Things changed quickly & dramatically- that is how I know I finally got it right. In the end, my wife was so grateful she sent Jessica flowers & a “Thank-you” letter -which speaks for itself.
Scott Halsted

Becoming a parent has tested every bit of my relationship. It has been so helpful to understand where my challenges are coming from and how to work with them for the good of all of us. Jessica's influence brought me so much peace and a deep knowing that I can handle what ever may come here on out. Her teaching has empowered me to give my child something better than I ever had. I can make a difference! I keep her voice with me every step of the way.
Melody Golden
Furniture Sales
This program pulled me out of the biggest struggle of my life. Tears of joy stream down my cheeks because working with Jessica and her program has transformed my life and my marriage, in ways I did not think possible. The tools, Jessica’s incredible insight and her ability to dig deep and get to the heart of the matter, every single time are so powerful.. you will be amazed. This program is so much more effective than traditional therapy. My favorite part was the 'Done for You Date Nights!' This program will teach you how relationships are intended to work, and once applied, these principles will change your life too. After 26 years of marriage, my husband and I are having so much fun together…we have become two peas in a pod!
Carrie Shepherd
I began working with Jessica Hartley after my wife cheated on me and left. I knew I had to improve myself to become the man I wanted to be. Jessica was my greatest motivator. She helped me heal the pain and put myself first. She taught me how to speak with influence and take the lead in conflict resolution. I got over my ex and raised the bar. I am so much happier for it. My advice is this; find the time to invest in yourself & trust this program. Be radically honest and stay committed to the work and it WILL work for you. The ROI of this program yields so much more than anything else out there. You can only improve yourself, and as you do, you will find others improve around you. I absolutely recommend Jessica’s Program, in fact, one of those recommendations has already started working with her- she is that good.
Jason Scott

When I started this journey I was stressed and full of anxiety; I was sick to my stomach daily and experienced chronic pain in my body... I was worried about everything, and really not a very happy person. I had been going to a traditional counselor in my town but was not getting anywhere. However, through Jessica Hartley's expert intuitive guidance, I have come to a truly wonderful place in my life! Jessica helped me realize my worth and my worthiness, my capacity for love and being loved. I have a confidence I don’t ever remember having. I stand up for myself now, where I never did before. Jessica pushed me when I needed pushing. Today, my life is a 180-degree shift- and no more chronic pain! Thanks to Jessica and my hard work, I am in control of my thoughts, I am really enjoying my life, and am experiencing success in all areas of my life! I have recommended her to several of my friends and will continue to do so without hesitation!
Dan Bartos, Potter
Schedule Your
Marriage Mapping Session
Or Text or Call Jessica directly at (661) 347-8473
In just 60 minutes, we’ll take a look at the areas of your relationship that are the most challenging, frustrating & painful and create a custom-built plan to achieve what you want in your relationship. Together we will map out the essential steps you need to thrive. *You can create an ideal relationship with or without the direct participation of your partner.
This is your perfect way to get a taste of how I work and see if you’d like to work further with me.
Marriage Mapping Session: $45
Call or Text Jessica directly at (661) 347- 8473
Email Jessica Hartley at: Connect@JessicaHartley.com