I completed Jessica’s Legendary Love Program 3 years ago and it was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I had lost myself with motherhood and marriage, and I came to Jessica when my marriage was about to fall apart. I had no idea how much my childhood wounds were affecting my relationship, nor how to deal with his. My Sessions with her were profoundly healing. I learned to take the reins of my own experience. Jessica helped us realize what unconditional love actually feels like. Her Program gave us the well-rounded healthy model of relationship neither of us ever had. It taught us how to self nurture, take emotional responsibility, have peaceful communication, hold space for each other and ignite our intimacy, I could say so much more… It was absolutely life changing for my own personal growth and is solely responsible for saving our marriage from divorce. Her dedication and passion to helping relationships thrive is so genuine, her heart is so big and I love that about her. I really couldn’t see myself doing this work with anyone else! She is amazing!